Friday, January 3, 2020


“Okay, I'm ready!” I looked over at my husband Steven, who was sitting on the bench at the end of our bed, putting on his shoes.
“That's nice.” he said as he finished tying his shoe then looked up at me. “Ready for what?”
I opened the closet door wider so he could see the inside of the door. “My 2020 vision board!” I moved my hand along it's edge, my impression of what a product model would do.
Steven got up and moved closer to get a better look. “What's the picture of baskets for?”
“They're sweetgrass baskets from Charleston.”
“Aren't you going there this summer with your sister?” Steven looked confused.
“Not necessarily.” I sighed. “Things can always come up. That's why I put it on my board. So I can think about it every day until it actually happens.”
Steven nodded. “I'm liking the pictures of one hundred dollar bills.” He pointed to the picture.
“Thinking big!” I agreed.
Steven looked in my closet. “Why are all your hangers turned around?”
“Another way I'm getting ready for the new year!”
“By making it a pain to get your clothes out of the closet?”
I moved the hangers with my hand, making them more evenly spaced. “No.” I laughed. “I'll turn the hangers around when I wear something. Any hanger not turned around after the season is over means I never wore it and it's time to go to Goodwill.” I pushed my sneakers into the closet with my foot before closing the door.
“Well, it looks like you're all ready for the new year.” Steven smiled as he went towards the bathroom.
“Oh, but wait!” I called. Steven turned around. “I've done more!”
Steven laughed as he leaned against the door frame. “Okay.”
I went over to the side table and picked up my new daily planner. “I've already made doctors appointments for annual screenings.” I fanned through the pages. “And I've already marked days off from school and when spring break is happening.” I held the book up. “That's only 14 weeks away!”
“Well, that's terrific.” Steven smiled.
“Oh, last but not least!” I went over to my side of the bed and adjusted the stack of books that were on the floor. “I went to the bookstore the other day and bought a bunch of new ones to start my year.” I sat on the floor next to them smiling up at Steven. “Isn't it great feeling like you're all ready for the new year?”
Steven shrugged his shoulders. “Sure, I guess.”
“What are you doing to get ready this year?” I asked as I adjusted the pile of books one more time before getting up from the floor.
Steven pointed his thumb over his shoulder. “I was going to go brush my teeth.”
“Seriously?” I watched as he got out his toothbrush and rinsed it under the water before putting some toothpaste on it. “I was going to clean out the refrigerator then maybe tackle the linen closet.” I added.
“Well, don't let me be the one to spoil your new year fun.” he looked at me in the mirror and smiled while I stood in the doorway shaking my head.

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