Friday, February 1, 2019


It was Sunday afternoon and I was curled up on the couch watching television when my husband Steven came in. “What are you watching?”
“The Greatest Showman movie.” I reached for my water bottle and took a sip before putting it back on the coffee table.
Steven laughed. “Again? How many times does this make?”
“Three.” I looked at my watch. “But it's still early, I can watch it again tonight.”
Steven stood next to the couch watching the movie.
“Do you want to watch it with me?” I patted the cushion next to me.
“No, I'm good.” He was still standing there. “I'm not a big fan of musicals.”
I grabbed the controller and hit pause. “So, what's up?”
“I'm just trying to figure out what it is about this movie that you love so much you'd watch it three times in one weekend.”
I looked back at the television where the cast was in mid jump in a spectacular dance number. “I don't know. Everything, I guess. I love the music, the dancing, the story about P.T. Barnum.” I shrugged my shoulders. “It just reminds me of going to a Broadway show.” I looked back at the television. “It makes me happy.” I smiled at him.
“I get it.” He kissed me on the top of the head and went into the kitchen. “You miss going to the shows with your sister.”
I sighed. “Ever since she moved from New York I miss going into the city and doing things with her.” I softly said to myself. I was about to tap the pause button again to start the show when my son Alex came into the room.
“Wow! You're watching this again?”
“It's her third time!” Steven called from the kitchen.
“Come on guys!” now it was time for me to laugh. “How many times have you two watched The Godfather?”
Steven came back into the room. “That's different. That's a classic!”
I looked back at the television. “I bet this will be a classic someday, too!”
Steven and Alex looked at each other and Alex began shaking his head. “I not so sure about that.” he said.
“We've watched a lot of movies more than once but never in the same weekend.” Steven added.
“Well, that's what makes us different I guess.” I adjusted the pillow behind my back. “I could watch this over and over and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.” I began humming one of the tunes. “See, I can't get them out of my head.”
Steven shook his head. “Well, you enjoy yourself.” he looked over at Alex. “Feel like watching The Godfather again?”
Alex shrugged his shoulder. “Sure, why not.”
“See we're all watching classic movies this weekend.” I pushed the pause button and all the dancers landed on the ground continuing their routine.
“You're not watching a classic.” Steven called to me as he headed to his den.
“It is to me!” I called back.

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