Friday, August 24, 2018


My phone dinged and up popped a photo sent from my husband Steven of a snake slithering through the grass.
I shook my head and did a double take before texting back. “Where was this taken?”
A few seconds later another ding. “Our back yard!”
I don't know why I instinctively pulled my feet up on the couch but I did, frozen for a few seconds wondering what to do next. I live in an area that isn't really known for snakes. This is something that I periodically thank God for. I love nature, but snakes fall into a different category for me.
I copied the picture to a Facebook group called Nature Addicts and asked if anyone could identify what kind of snake it was. Moments later, 'Checkered garter snake' was the answer with links to find out more. Scrolling through the links I realized this type of snake wasn't from around here.
I got up from the couch and went to the dining room window where I could see Steven and my son Alex standing outside. I opened the window. “Where is it now?” I called.
Steven pointed to the garbage cans. “He slithered over there.”
“Well, he's a Checkered garter snake. He's not one of our local snakes, he's from the Southwest and Mexico.”
Steven just nodded as he looked back over at the garbage pails. “So, what you are trying to tell me is that he's up here for summer vacation?”
Alex started to laugh.
“No, Capt. Funny-pants, I'm saying it must be someone's pet.”
Steven shrugged his shoulders and looked over at Alex. “Well, you better catch him before we make up the Missing Pet posters.”
Alex started to laugh again. “I'm not catching him! He's two and a half feet long!”
I looked back at the link on my phone. “It says when you pick him up his defense is pooping a foul-smelling liquid.” I was playing a YouTube video. “Oh wow! This guy's holding a snake and actually gagging from the smell.”
“Sounds like a fun pet.” Alex couldn't help but shudder.
“Well, what are we going to do?” I was leaning on the windowsill still not wanting to go outside. “He's never going to leave. We're like a resort for snakes with the woods in our backyard and all the crickets and little toads he could possibly want to eat.”
“That sounds about right.” Alex nodded in agreement.
“Oh, come on!” Steven sighed. “I'm sure he's just slithering through. He's probably three houses away by now.”
“Can you move the garbage cans and check?” I asked.
Steven looked over at Alex. “Why don't we wait until after dinner. Maybe give him a chance to move on.”
Alex nodded in agreement. “That sounds like a good idea.”
They both came back into the house.
As Alex walked into the kitchen I was holding out a bag of garbage from the kitchen pail. “You do realize tonight's garbage night, right?” I couldn't help but smile.

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