Friday, November 22, 2019


I was sitting in a rocker on our front porch, my face tilted up to the sun when my son Alex came outside.
“Aren't you cold?” he asked as he sat in the rocker next to me.
I pulled the zipper of my sweatshirt up closer to my neck. “It's not so bad in the sun.” I answered as a gust of wind blew my hair in front of my face. “I want to be able to spend every second in the sun before it gets too cold outside and I'm stuck sitting in the house wishing for spring.” I reached up ready to pull my hair back in a ponytail when I realized by doing that my ears and neck would get too cold. So I reached back and grabbed the hood of my sweatshirt, tucked my hair inside and pulled the strings tight so that no hair could escape. “There. That's better.” I said as I leaned back in the rocker.
Just then an even bigger gust of wind came up and we watched hundreds of leaves begin twirling and tumbling down the street. I pointed to the leaves in the street. “I've just spent the last few seconds trying to think of the right words to describe the sound they're making right now.” I looked over at Alex. “What would you say? Is it scratching against the pavement or maybe the word rustling is a better fit.” I shook my head. “But rustling is more of a muffled sound.” I looked over at Alex. “What do you think?”
Alex laughed. “You know what I think? I've got the perfect word to describe it. Work!”
I tucked a stray hair back into my hood. “Work?”
Alex pointed down the street. “See all those nice big pile of leaves all our neighbors have put out to the curb?”
“Yeah.” I was confused.
“Wait for it.”
A big gust of wind came and began blowing the piles of leaves apart sending them tumbling down the street by the hundreds.
Alex pointed to our leaf covered front lawn. “That was completely clear two days ago.” he sighed. “Now look at it.”
I was beginning to understand his frustration.
That's when another gust of wind came, this time coming from a different direction and the leaves on our lawn picked themselves up and raced over to our neighbors lawn across the street.
I looked over at Alex and smiled. “See, it's all better now!”
I spoke too soon as another gust from down the street broke up more of the leaf piles and sent them scurrying to our front lawn again.
I got up from my rocker. “Okay, I'm going inside. I'll wait until the wind dies down to see who wins the most-leaves-from-the-neighbors-contest.”
Alex got up too. “That's a contest I'd be happy to lose.”

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