Friday, November 1, 2019


I was sitting in the living room watching television when all of a sudden, “Ah-Choo.” I hadn't even felt the sneeze coming but luckily I was able to catch it in the crook of my arm.
“Are you sick?” my son Alex came into the living room.
My husband Steven came in from our bedroom. “Who sneezed?” he asked.
“Mom.” Alex tipped his head in my direction.
“It was a sneeze!” I cried. “I'm not sick! It's probably allergies.” I couldn't help make a slight sniffling sound.
Alex sighed. “She's sick.”
Steven went into the kitchen and came back with a box of tissues and the pump bottle of hand sanitizer. “Here you go.” he placed them on the coffee table in front of me.
I grabbed a tissue. “Thanks, but I'm not sick.”
Alex went into the linen closet and came back with a can of Lysol.
“You two are being ridiculous!” I said as I took the can from him and began walking around the room spraying the television remote and the couch I'd been sitting on.
“Let's just be on the safe side.” Steven called as I went into the kitchen and began spraying all the door handles and drawer knobs. “It's not a good time for me to get sick right now.”
I came back into the room spraying light switches and anything else I could have possibly touched. “When's it ever a good time?” I asked.
Steven sighed. “You know what I mean.”
Alex went back into the kitchen and brought back a bottle of water he handed to me. “Here you go. When you're coming down with a cold you should really stay hydrated.”
I put the Lysol on the coffee table and took the bottle from Alex. “Thanks, but again, I'm not sick.”
Steven placed the back of his hand on my forehead. “You don't feel like you have a fever.”
I took a sip of water. “Seriously, you two. I just sneezed.” I sat back down on the couch and couldn't help but snuffle again.
Steven and Alex looked at one another. I could see the concern on both their faces.
“Fine.” I got up from the couch. “I'll take a Zicam. Will that make you both happy?” I went back to the linen closet and began rummaging though the box we kept the medicine in. “Found it!” I came back with the Zicam bottle. “Anyone else want to take one?” I popped one into my mouth before holding out the bottle to them.
“You're suppose to take one when you first get sick.” Alex reminded me. “And I'm not sick.”
“Neither am I, and I'm taking one!” I held the bottle out to Steven.
Steven held his hands up. “I'm good.”
I shook my head as I put the container down on the coffee table next to the tissues, hand sanitizer, and Lysol. “You guys are ridiculous.” I sat back down and picked up the television remote.
“Hey, don't get mad at us.” Steven said. “We just want to make sure we all stay healthy!”
“Not to change the subject.” Alex said. “But what's for dinner?”
I smiled as I looked up at both of them. “Well, if I am sick you don't want me touching your food do you?”
Steven looked over at Alex. “I guess we're ordering out.”
I raised my hand and smiled. “I vote for Italian!”

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