“Are you sure you
haven't seen any hummingbirds lately?” I was asking my son Alex as
we stood on the back deck. Alex had just finished filling the bird
feeders and was still holding the bag of seed.
“I'm positive.”
he sighed. “You've asked me that question every day for the past
“I know.” I
shrugged my shoulders. “I just don't want to take their feeders
away too soon.” I looked at the woods at the back of our house. The
leaves were beginning to change color with little peeks of orange
appearing on some of the trees. “What if there's a straggler?” I
looked at Alex before sweeping my hand in the direction of our yard.
“Most of the flowers they like are gone, so they'd really need the
feeder before heading South.”
Alex shook his
head. “Weren't you the one telling me that the size of their brain,
compared to their body size, is huge.”
“It really is!”
I smiled and nodded my head. “They're really smart!”
“So if one is
still hanging around, this late in the season, wouldn't that make him
I shrugged my
shoulders again. “You've got a point.” I sighed as I walked over
to my red glass feeders and took them down from their posts. “I
hate bringing them in.” I said as I walked to the door, the two
glass feeders clicking together as I held them in one hand so I could
open the door. “It's just another event that makes me feel like
summer's over.”
Alex kicked away a
few dead leaves before they blew into the house. “I'm pretty sure
summer was over before you brought in the feeders.”
I went over to the
sink and began washing them. “Did you know that hummingbirds are so
smart that they can recognize the people that feed them?”
“Nope. Did not
know that.” he said as put the bird seed away in the cabinet.
“Remember in the
beginning of the summer when you and I were on the deck and that
hummingbird flew a few feet in front of my face?”
“Oh yeah.” Alex
leaned against the counter. “That was so weird.”
“Now it makes all
the sense in the world.” I looked over at Alex. “He was trying to
remember the face that would be feeding him.”
Alex started to
laugh. “I was sitting right there, too! How’s he know you'd be
the one feeding him and not me?”
Now it was my turn
to laugh. “Oh come on! I told you hummingbirds were smart!” I
turned off the water and placed the feeders on a paper towel to dry.
“Wait a minute.” I leaned against the counter. “The day he
decided to memorize me my hair was a mess, I was wearing my glasses,
and I didn't have on any makeup!”
Alex looked
confused. “So?”
I threw my hands up
in the air, clearly annoyed. “So, now he's back South telling all
his hummingbird friends that some frumpy old lady feeds him when he
heads North!” I looked back at Alex. “Why couldn't he have
studied me on a day I looked better?”
Alex just shook his
head as he silently walked away.