Friday, May 24, 2019


I was sitting on the couch, reading the morning newspaper, when my son Alex came out of his room. I looked at my phone to check the time. “It's only 6:30, what are you doing up so early?”
Alex used his fist to rub his eye. “I've been up since 3:30! Those stupid robin's made a nest in the holly tree right outside my window again!” he shook his head and sat down next to me. “I looked it up it takes over two weeks before the eggs hatch. Then another few weeks before they leave the nest!” He turned to look at me, I could see how tired he looked. “And why are they up so early?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “You know what they say. 'The early bird gets the worm'.” I tried to make a joke out of it but he wasn't having it.
“That's not early! That's the middle of the night!” He laid his head back against the cushions. “This is going to be a repeat of last year.” he sighed. “They yelled and screamed all day long.”
“I think most people think of birds as singing, not yelling.” I corrected him.
“They're not singing.” Alex corrected me. “It's definitely yelling.”
I patted him on the leg. “You're not sure they've made a nest.” I got up from the couch. “Maybe they were just hanging in the holly tree looking for a good spot somewhere else.” I went to the front door with Alex following me. “Let's check and see if we see a nest.”
Barefooted we walked around to the side of the house. My husband Steven had just trimmed the holly tree and it looked beautiful. I peeked around the tightly packed limbs. “See,” I pointed to the spot the nest was in last year. “They haven't rebuilt.”
Alex looked up higher. “Nope, they just moved up.”
I peeked through the holly leaves and sure enough there was a nest. I looked at Alex and shrugged my shoulders. “Sorry.” but then I smiled. “But it's all a part of Spring, right?”
Alex sighed. “Can't we move it?”
I shook my head. “You can't move a nest!”
“Why not?”
“Because they won't know where it is! It's not like I can leave a little sign that says: 'We've moved you to the lilac bush up front'!”
Alex looked back up at the nest. Not a very happy expression on his face. “I say we leave a sign that says: 'You're evicted'!” he grumbled.
“I'm pretty sure it's illegal to move an active nest. Besides it's only for a few weeks.” I smiled as I began walking him back to the front door. “Pretty soon it will be the cute chirps of the babies wanting to be fed.” I quickly put my hand over my mouth trying to stop what I'd just said.
Alex's shoulders went slack and he tipped his head back. “That's right! The non-stop crying to be fed.” he groaned again.
I put my hand on his shoulder guiding him back to the house. “You're just tired right now.” I said as I opened the front door. “How about I make you some eggs? Once you've eaten you'll feel a whole lot better.”
“That sounds good. I could go for some eggs.” he turned around and started to go back down our front steps.
“Where are you going?”
Alex turned and smiled at me. “To get the eggs!” he began to walk toward the holly tree.
“Very funny.” I held open the door open as he walked back in.

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