I was sitting on the
couch, tucked under a blanket and scrolling through my Facebook feed,
when Steven came into the living room and sat down next to me.
“Check this out.”
I said as I handed him my phone and gave him a piece of my blanket.
“What am I
looking at?” he asked putting him feet up on the coffee table and
draping the blanket over his legs.
“It's a really
great Christmas display.” I tapped the screen to start the video.
We both watched as
the synchronized music and light show began. The entire house began
it's flashing light display while a rock band covered a pumped up
version of Carol Of The Bells. I couldn't help bobbing my head along
with the music.
Four minutes later,
when the video ended, I looked at Steven. “Wasn't that great?”
Steven handed me
back my phone. “It was pretty good.” he said.
“The house is
only forty minutes away.” I said. “Let's go look at it.” I
Steven looked
confused. “We just looked at it.”
“I know,” I was
scrolling though Facebook again. “But I'm sure it's even better in
Steven didn't sound convinced. “You mean driving forty minutes to
wait in the traffic leading up to the house, finding a parking space
a dozen blocks away and walking in the freezing cold is going to be
better than what we just saw?”
It made me stop for
a minute, because he had a point. But then I got nostalgic. “Don't
you remember how much fun we used to have bundling up the boys and
putting them in the back seat with bags of snacks while we drove all
over Monmouth County looking at the lights?”
“Sure, it was
fun.” Steven said, taking out his phone and logging onto his
Facebook account. “But that was before everyone posted pictures of
their decorated houses.” He scrolled though his feed. “One of my
clients posted this great shot.” He handed me his phone to show me
the house. It had lights in every tree and bush in the front yard.
The entire house was outlined in lights and a full sized Santa was
standing at the front door ready to welcome all their holiday
“Wow, that's
really great.” I handed him back his phone.
“I know! They had
a company come in and put all the lights up. It took them two days to
get it all done.”
We were both
scrolling though our feeds, looking for more houses, when Alex came
into the room. “What are you two up to?” he asked.
“We're traveling
around the county looking at everyone's Christmas lights.” Steven
and I both held up our phones to show him. “Want to come with us?”
Alex looked over
our shoulders to see. “This is how you look at Christmas lights
“Sure.” Steven
said. “No traffic, no freezing cold weather. What's not to like?”
Alex looked over at
me. “What about the snacks and hot chocolate after? That used to be
the best part.”
“That's a great
idea!” I got up from the couch and looked at Steven. “I'm going
to make some hot chocolate. Do you want some?”
“Sure.” Alex
and Steven said together.
I handed Steven my
phone. “Show Alex that great one I showed you with the music.”
Love it!