Saturday, February 6, 2016


Steven walked by my office and stopped when he saw that I was bent over with my hands wrapped about my ankles while I unsuccessfully tired to press my head somewhere close to my knees.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I was reading an article on how to cut back on my caffeine intake.” I wheezed. “It says that any inverted yoga pose is just as energizing as a cup of coffee or tea.” I was really hoping it was true because right at that particular moment it felt like my head was about to explode and I was pretty sure it wasn't from the lack of caffeine in my system.
“How long do you have to do that?” he asked.
“It said only about two minutes.” I felt like my two minutes were up so I stood and quickly sat back down in my desk chair.
“How do you feel” Steven asked.

“Dizzy.” My eyes were busy following the burst of little stars as they floated around in front of me. “Maybe I got up too fast.”
“Well, as long as you're feeling energized.” Steven laughed.
“It's not working yet.” I complained. I gave myself a few seconds then got back down on my hands and knees, I pushed my legs up straight so that my knees were locked and my rear end was sticking up in the air. “I'm going to try some downward facing dog instead.”
“How is that going to be any different that what you just did?” he asked.
“This one involves the pose and my breathing.” I told him.
“You weren't breathing with the last one?”
“You trying taking a deep breath while your head is smashed up against your knees.” I argued.
“I guess that's true.” Steven took a sip of his coffee. “So how long do you have to hold this pose?”
“Can you wait a minute?” I asked. I pulled a deep breath in through my nose and slowly released it through my mouth. “I shouldn't be talking right now. I'm supposed to be concentrating on my breathing.”
Steven leaned against the door frame to wait. After a few more deep breaths I got up from my pose and looked at Steven.
“So, did that one work?” he asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. “At least I'm not as dizzy anymore. But I'm not sure I'm feeling energized with either one of them.”
Steven held out his mug for me to see. “Have you thought about skipping the torture and just having a little caffeine?”
“I know.” I sighed. I missed the several cups of tea I'd usually be drinking throughout my day. “But it was too much. It's time for me to find something else that's going to wake me up in the morning.” I went to grab a towel and headed for our bathroom. “The article also said that if I end my shower with a quick burst of cold water it would perk me up and get me ready to start my day.”
Steven laughed again. “I know that's how I'd want to start my days.” He called as he took another sip of his coffee. “Dizzy, cold and still tired.”.

I have to admit, he was beginning to get me to rethink my caffeine-free morning

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