Friday, May 27, 2016


It was late in the morning and I was still in my pajamas. That's not unusual for me on a weekend, especially if I was going to be doing laundry and cleaning the house. But on this particular Saturday I rolled out my exercise mat, went to Goggle and downloaded a free Yoga lesson, and decided it was time to get in better shape.
After twenty minutes of a few Downward-Facing Dogs, a round or two of Cat/Cow, and several Warrior Poses, I finally drew my palms together at the heart and took my last cleansing breath.
I had to admit, I felt better as I rolled my mat up and put it away. I found my husband Steven reading the newspaper while finishing his second cup of coffee. “Guess what I just did?” I asked him.
“I have no idea.”
I could see from the look on his face that he wasn't in the mood to play that game so I jumped right in with my news. “I've decided to start Yoga again!”
“That's nice.” He didn't seem as thrilled as I was. I really couldn't blame him for his lack of enthusiasm. He'd known me a long time and considering the attention span I usually give an exercise routine he was probably not even listening to me.
“No!” I cried. “I'm serious! I really mean it this time.” I began stretching my back as we spoke. “I had to do something.” I explained. “My muscles are always stiff.” As I stood there I tried to bring my knee up to my chest. I could do it, but boy did I feel it in my hip. “I'm embarrassed to say I've also noticed I'm having a harder time getting up off the floor.”
“You can't get up off the floor?” Now he did look concerned.
“Well, I'm not bad enough where I have to crawl over to a piece of furniture and use that to get up.” I said. “But I certainly can't just stand up from a cross-legged position anymore. At least, not in any kind of graceful way.” I admitted.
“So what made you stop the last time you tried Yoga?” he asked.
“Because I was taking a Yoga class.” I did a few head rolls. “You know I hate doing anything new in front of a lot of people. Everyone was better at it than me. I just felt judged.” I did a few shoulders rolls. “Now I've decided to just bring up some YouTube videos for beginners and do it right here!”
“Sounds like a plan.” He went back reading the paper.
“You don't think I'll keep up with it, do you?” I argued. I wanted him to be as excited as I was about my new plan.
“Why are you getting upset with me?” he asked.
“Because you're not excited for me!” I cried.
“Okay. I'm excited for you.” he said.
“That's not excited.” I was getting frustrated.
Steven looked over at me. “Isn't Yoga also about finding the peacefulness within?” he asked.
That stopped me. “Oh. Well. Yeah. I guess.” I brought my hands together at my heart, took a cleansing breath and said. “Namaste.” I looked over at him and gave him a big smile.

Steven shook his head. “Yeah. Right back at you.”

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