Saturday, June 13, 2015

Juice Diet

“OH COME ON!” I cried as I looked down at the scale. “YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!”
My husband, Steven has heard me and came to the bathroom door. “Are you okay in there?” he asked.
By now I'd dragged the scale to me favorite light spot, close to the sink so I can 'accidentally' lean on the vanity while I try one more time to get the stupid thing to say what I wanted it to say. “I hate you.” I hissed as I looked down again. I thought I had said it so only me and the scale could hear but, poor Steven heard it to.
“What did I do?” he sounded confused and hurt. “Everything was fine when we had breakfast together.”
“Not you.” I called slipping on my robe and opening the bathroom door to see Steven standing there looking dejected. “The scale is broken again.” I said. “I think we need a new one.”
Steven came into the bathroom and stood on the scale. “Wow, I dropped another pound.” he said as he smiled at me.
I pushed him off the scale and moved it from the skinny-weighing-area back to our usual spot. “Try it again.” I said.
He climbed back on. “Nope, still a pound down and that's with my clothes on! I guess my diet is finally kicking in!” he patted his stomach as he stepped off and looked at me.
“Okay, now I really do hate you.” I pouted.
“Maybe we can both be on my diet.” he suggested. “It's working for me.”
“Yours is nothing but meat!” I said. “I can't eat that.” I thought for a minute. “A friend of mine was telling me about the juice diet she was on. She lost ten pounds!”
“Just drinking juice?” he seemed suspicious. “She doesn’t exercise?”
“Well, she's a runner.” I admitted.
“I keep telling you to try my treadmill. You need to get more exercise.” he said.
“I walk almost every day!” I argued. “Besides I'm more of a sprinter than a runner.” I added.
“You sprint on your walks?” Steven seemed doubtful.
“Every time I'm in an intersection and a car is coming.” I smiled at him. “I've been known to sprint to the other side.”
“That's not a sprinter.” he shook his head.
I ignored his remark and continued on about the juicing. “She said it's really a cleanse but the weight just fell off!”
“Of course it did, she wasn't eating anything!”
“I'd get rid of all the toxins in my body and feel more energetic!”
“You'd be hungry.” he countered.
“My mind would be clearer and I'd be more focused.” I continued.
“You'd be hungry.” Steven said again.
“Why aren't you backing me on this?” I asked. “I've been very supportive on your all-you-can- eat-meat diet.”
“No, you weren't.” he said. “You kept telling me how unhealthy it was.”
“Well, it is.” I said. “But the juice diet is just fruit and vegetables. Now that's healthy!”
“I know you.” Steven said.
“What's that suppose to mean?”
“It means if you go on this juice diet you'll be hungry and when you're hungry you’re not very nice to be around.” he quickly continued. “Besides you look great just the way you are!” he smiled at me, I could see the hope in his eyes that I would believe him.
“Ah, thanks.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I needed to hear that.”
I saw the relief pass over his face.

To be honest I was relieved too. I really didn't want to drink all of my meals for the next week anyway.

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